Dear B.,
It has been a while since I have had these problems, since my children are 8 and 12. Not that they don't try to let me let them stay up longer.
Before I had children, I was not a person for routines. My children will adjust to my schedule weather they like it or not. Guess what? I was wrong. I nursed both of my children to sleep until they were 2. I know this may seem like a long time but they medically needed it. Now, when I stopped nursing. I figured I was in for a nightmare. I did start a routine with both children. I usually try to have them avoid any tv for 1 hour before bedtime. This is a great time for baths and bedtime stories. Since the tv stimulates thier brains, if we can slow the brains down for the children, it makes the transition a little easier.
Another treat I started......To avoid having to stay in bed with my children until they fell asleep. I bought a music box. We always started by saying our prayers and what we a re thankful for that day. The last thing we would do is wind up the music box. When the music stopped, it was time for me to leave the bedroom. The nice part of this is you can wind up the music box as much or as little as you want. They are still little enough to not figure out that little trick. At different holidays we would change music boxes and wind up our Christmas santa, or the easter bunny etc.... This just offers a little more variety and something to look forward to in the future. Even a three year old knows who santa is and the Easter bunny. And it offers a special treat that will only happen during certain times of the year.
Be careful about starting our own bad habits to make the process a little easier for mom and dad.
1. Do not let your child fall asleep with the television on. Your child may watch tv till 2 in the morning or need it on all night for the noise aspect... Increase in electric bill.
2. Do not stay in bed with your child until the child falls asleep. Usually Moms and Dads are so tired, we fall asleep before the children. This also makes it impossible for them to learn to fall asleep on thier own.
3. If you have been sleeping with your child..Or more likely your child is in your bed.... no not that!(only kidding)I had very strong beliefs about not co sleeping with my first child, but my views changed extremely, with the additional sleep needed, when the second child was born. If this is the time you would like your bed back.
I let my child sleep by my bed in a sleeping bag. Each night the child was allowed to pick how far she would move the bag away from my bed, toward his/her bedroom. It didn't have to be alot but it had to moved each night. Soon she was sleeping in the hall and by one week she was sleeping in her own bed. It was more comfortable than the floor. It was her dicision. So she felt very much in control. Remember it takes about 14 days of repetition before we actually change a habit. So if on day 10, your child gets sick and you let them back to the old routine, then you have to start again from the beginning. Once she was in her own bed for 14 DAYS IN A ROW, we marked each morning on the calender. If we slept together for what ever reason.... then we had to start counting the 14 days over again. At the end of a completed 14 days in a row, then she would earn a treat. The prize was discussed before we marked the calendar. It could be go out for icecream, a trip to the library, a picnic. Pick things the family would enjoy together and would not be expensive. This way the family can be involved in supporting our childrens choices. Well our choices! but if we can get them to believe it is thier choice the challenge is alot easier. And it puts them in control.
Last but not least....everybody in our house sleeps with a fan on. It produces what is called white noise. It basically blocks out the noise of traffic, noisy neighbors, barking dogs ect. The only time we have a problem sleeping now is if the power goes out. The house is too quiet. We even bring a fan on vacation because we just find it hard to tune out any noise while we sleep. Hope this helps! Hope it wasn't too long. I've never been told that I don't give out enough info, usually too much. Just remember you are the parent and you know what will work and what will not work in your family. Happily listen to everybodies advice, especially when we ask for it. But realize what works for one house or child will not always work for another.
Good luck, God Bless! Hopefully soon bedtime will become a treat vs a chore!
H. B.