Bad Yeast Infections

Updated on September 12, 2007
V.S. asks from Edmond, OK
20 answers

My 15 mo. old baby has had bad rashes since she was 3 mo. old the Dr told me she gets yeast infections often. I mean she really cant go a week without getting all red and puffy. I change/check her every 30-45 min. But lately she gets rashes where if I pick her up and set her on my lap she screams. I have tried changing her diet to find what she shouldnt eat and baby powder, and rash cream but she still always get rashes. what eles can I do?

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answers from Tulsa on

have you tried creams like monistat? When my daughter had an ear infection and had to be on antibotics she started to get a bit of a yeast rash and her dr told me to put water based yeast cream on it and with in a few days it was gone...good luck!



answers from Enid on

my middle daughter used to get rashes a lot. the dr prescribed a cream compound called "Poop Goop", it has three diffrent meds in it. it works wonders. nystatin cream also works really well. i think it might actually be an ingrediant in the poop goop.

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answers from Tulsa on

I was dating a guy and everytime his daughter goes on an antibotic she would get a terrible yeast infection. I was told by my grandma about the following. Put Apple cider vinager in her bath. This will help make her feel a little better. Also they make a baby acidolpholous (not sure if spelled right) it is a powder you put in her drink or food ( or make a paste and put that on her),it is sold @ Wild Oats. I also use to get them really bad before I had my son. this is what I had to do. hope this helps.




answers from Tulsa on

My 16 mo. old daughter went through the same thing awhile back. Her doctor told me what to try, I did and it worked wonders! Once a day feed her yogurt w/ live cultures. My daughter liked the banana cream the best. Also, go to the pharmacy and ask for DOME BORO. Follow the mixing instructions and soak a paper towel in it, and place it in her diaper. It works wonders!!! Monistat or any fungal cream works good for yeast infections too. Good luck, I know how heart breaking it is.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I too recommend acidophillis. My baby is allergic to dairy and This is the same stuff in yogart. So I just mix it in a bottle of breast milk and she drinks it right down. Never even knows it's there. Just talk to your doctor/pharmacist to know how much to give her.



answers from Lawrence on

I would ask the pediatrician for a prescription. My two year old has had the same problem for about the last year, and no over the counter rash creams have helped, if anything they made the rash worse. My daughter's pediatrician prescribed Nystatin that also had an added steroid (the Nystatin alone did not work either)...Bella's rash started healing within hours and was gone within a couple days. The rash does still reoccur but as soon as it starts I just use the meds again and it goes away before it has a chance to get bad. Hope this helps. good luck.




answers from Tulsa on

Have you considered cloth diapers? It's much less expensive, much more environmentally friendly, and has numerous benefits for babies. Cloth diapering is not "your grandmother's diapers" anymore - there are so many options out there, and it doesn't take near the time and effort that so many moms are afraid of. I'd be happy to help point you in the right direction, if you're interested.



answers from Topeka on

See if you can entice her to eat yogurt on a daily basis. It is something that pharmacists will suggest to people that they take when they are taking antibiotics,which tend to cause yeast infections. I work in a pharmacy and I can tell you that your local pharmacist can be an excellent source of information..he/she can look and see if any of the medications that your child is on could be causing it.
Another thought...are you breast feeding?? Are you troubled by yeast infections...if so, I wonder if it is possible for you to pass it along through your milk to the baby.
Is it possible that there is an allergy involved that could be leading to this??? Have you tried changing from milk to soy milk for a few weeks to see if that might have any effect??? You will just have to experiment...or you may have to be more persistent with your pediatrician...this just seems to me like a problem that there should be a solution to.
R. Ann



answers from Lawton on

My son had the same thing happen every once in a while and it was horrible. It even got so bad one time (no matter what I did) that it bled. It broke my heart sooooo bad. I have never heard him scream the way he did when we would change his diapers. We filled him with plain yogurt and once even put it on the rash itself to try to help cool it since it burned him so bad. We also used the most sensitive wipes or just water and a very soft rag. We used dove soap if we washed him in his bath and that seemed to be very gentle on him. To treat it, we have used Monistat cream or some other kind of yeast infection cream that a woman would usually use and that helped clear it up faster. Good luck with it. One more note, my son gets it mostly when he is taking antibiotics, which kills the bacteria that prevents it. I'm sure you already knew that though.



answers from Lawrence on

my Daughter had a lot of diaper rash's also so I kept changing the diaper brands and she did the best in huggies. also the doctor gave us a wonderful cream that could not be bought over the counter. Good luck



answers from Lawton on

Have you tried any anti-fungal creams like lamisil?



answers from Wichita on

My poor baby got those to. She would even bleed they were so bad. Reslin is a creamthey sell at Walmart, you have to ask the pharmasist to get it for you. Another thing that helps aveeno oatmeal baths and then even though it's alot of work, is let her air out as much as possible during the day and especially after that morning pee(that's the strongest). Oh, and if you can take her out of the bath right after you wash her. Sometimes the soap can irritate it more and cause infections. Also, yogurt has the good bacteria that eats the yeast so give her plain vanilla yogurt 1/day



answers from Oklahoma City on

my daughter use to be that way really bad and my dr gave me a special cream for it everytime she got it i put the cream on it and it would go away its basically the same thing we use but prescribed for children its called nysastain something like that maybe this will help oh and i stopped giving her juice for awhile that also helped some



answers from Tulsa on

Hi, my name is J.. I'm new to I know what you mean, I have a 6 month old daughter & she constantly is getting yeast infections. She was getting them severely under her armpit. We found out that it was her formula she was on. We had to switch her to either a Lactose Free or Alimentum sp?! And within a week the yeast started to clear up. I don't know if your a believer of natural herbel products, but we also used Virgin Coconut Oil and every 20 or 30 mins. we'd reapply it. My daughter got so bad that it would dry & crack. She also has a severe case of ezema, so her skin is really sensetive to everything. We switched all her clothes to cotton or at least as much as possible. In her carseat we put a recieving blanket down for her legs since they tend to sweat alot & the material would break her legs out, our doctor also told us to not let her out in extreme weather like really hot or really cold so we don't go outside for long periods of time and if we do we always wipe her down because the sweat tends to irriate there skin. We also keep our airconditioner down. And we were using Dreft baby detergent, but we found out that that has perfumes & dyes. Which made my daughters skin worse, we switched over to a FREE & CLEAR laundry detergent, because it's free from perfume & dyes. That all seems to help. I hope my advice helped. If you need any more, please feel free to ask!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I like a lot of what's been said so far. I also wanted to add something my mother suggested to me to help reduce the appearance of rashes; she told me to give her at least five to ten minutes of "naked bottom time" every day. As well as the use of butt paste or cream or whatever. She said that the skin down there needs to breathe just as much as the rest of our body. It gets pretty moist under that diaper even without pee or poo. Good luck taking care of it!



answers from Oklahoma City on

Hey V.

Oh bless her little heart, that just has to be aweful for you both. Well I'm writing down the name of the stuff the last person suggested, it sounds like a great option. I have never heard of it, but I always like to have new things to suggest to my day care parents (I run a home day care). Has the dr. given you anything to try, like nystatin. Have you tried any of the over the counter yeast powders or creams like lotrimin, or monistat. They have always worked on the children that I have watched that have had yeast problems. I also have heard yogert is good for yeast as well, the kind w/ live cultures. I guess it helps because it workes from the inside, so if she has yeast in her digetive tract it gets rid of that too. Is she on any meds, or antibiotics a lot that may be the cause? I know you have probably explored all of this. How about where you change her, is that getting disinfected or a new changing pad put down after every change? What about her habbits, does she put her hands in her pants or any thing else that can spead infections? I know I am probably going through the same thought process you have to try and put an end to the problem so I'm just going through a check list in my mind of things that could cause the problem, so forgive me if I'm comming up with stuff that you have thought of and tried. I know you probably are, but are you wipeing her front to back? The other thing is allergic reaction to diapers, wipes, dtergent, or bath soaps. There are certain wipes that have nitropopane in them and that is known to cause an infecton. Some kids are alergic to dyes and other stuff in some diapers. Do you let her go w/o any thing on for as long as possible to get air to the area? Baths are really hard on little girls, the soap an bubbles that end up that area cause a lot of little girls uti's, so maybe a shower would be better for a while. How about the tub after her bath, are you disenfecting it before her next bath? And I'm sure you use a fresh towel and clothes after each bath, but I have heard the towels have to be washed in hot water. What about her bedding do you wash it often, in case she has a diaper leak and then the infection is in the bed, I would even wipe the mattress down.

Well again I'm sorry if I went down the same list of things you have tried. I just can't emagine going through this as long as you both have. I know it has to be frustrating and uncomfortable for her. I hope something works and you both can get relief. I would say forgo rash creams and use a yeast cream and a lotrimin powder (only on her bottom) to start giving her relief until you figure out where she keeps getting it from. Oh, how about her car seat has she had a diaper leak in that, maybe it too needs to be washed.

Well, keep us posted on what works (espcially if you try the purple stuff) and if you figured out how or why she keeps getting the infection.

Best wishes to you both.




answers from Wichita on

I have had 3 girls and they had similar problems. 1st to get the rash to go away try bathing her in some baking soda and water, it will soothe the rash. Do this as many times a day as you can. Also leave her without a diaper during the day as often as you can so the rash gets air. The yeast seems to breed off the moist heat from the inside of a diaper. Then you could try giving her some acidophillis. You can get it at Wal-mart. Just mix it with some applesauce. That is the good bacteria and it will get rid of yeast infections and can also prevent them from coming back if you give it as a preventative medicine. It's all natural so I really like it. Hope this will help.
D. P



answers from Oklahoma City on

Instead of using rash cream and power use plain yogurt. Yes you have to keep it cold and babies don't like that but it will help. Promise. My nephew and niece were both like that and the dr. said buy some generic yogurt and put it on instead. it fixed them up and got rid of the so called burn with in days.



answers from Tulsa on

Hi. My son had trouble with rashes on his bottom. I put some towels down in his crib and let him sleep without a diaper on for a couple of nights. It was amazing how quickly it cleared up. I had to do some extra laundry, but it was worth it because he didn't cry when I changed him! Whenever we had it again, I did the same thing. Be careful of the baby powder. Lots of children/adults have negative reactions to corn starch. (I, being one of them!) If the powder you are using contains corn starch, try some without it. Good luck!



answers from Tulsa on

Try switching to another brand of diapers. Or, I make my own baby wipes using lavender essential oil and some small bit of baby shampoo and Bounty paper towels. The lavender oil is a natural disinfectant, antifungal(which is what will keep the rashes away before they start), and antibacterial, and cell regenerater. It is gentle enough to use on babies, you only need two to three drops in there. I usually cut the paper towels in half and fold them letter style where I can grab one end and pull them out, add the drops of lavender oil and baby shampoo and add water until towels are soaked but not drenched. I raised my two on those wipes and never had any trouble with rashes.

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