I had it after about five months with my first baby, sooner after my second. Ask your doc if you are concerned, but sounds normal to me.
My baby is 3 months. I could not breastfeed as my milk never came in so I tried things until the baby was 2 weeks old and then gave up. So now its been 10 weeks and no period.
Should I be worried? How long was it before you got your period?
I had it after about five months with my first baby, sooner after my second. Ask your doc if you are concerned, but sounds normal to me.
Well, I breastfed #1 for 3 months, but didn't get my period until 5 months after that.
I didnt have my first period until about 6 months, but I'd suggest calling the advice nurse to double check.
My first child was about ten months old before it came back. Don't fret. Just enjoy it :)
Just read some of the other responses and thought I should add more. I breastfed all my children until they were just over one. Also be aware that you CAN get pregnant again, even if it hasn't started yet.
It can take up to six months even if you are not nursing. You could get your milk to start up again if you called LeLeche League. There are several branches in Norfolk.
I wouldn't worry, just enjoy being withoug one for a little bit longer. If you are worried call you doctor to be sure.
Also on another note have you guys been using protection? My neighbors kids are 10 months apart and it was not planned that way. Though now several years later they wouldn't change anything.
I'm not sure what the norm for that is. Your doctor would know. I wasn't that lucky, mine came at 7 weeks after delivery.