I guess I am not at all....I just had to buy tabs here is Washington State and we are not allowed to buy for a few years out....So regardless, we are stuck with the 13 on our car.......
My Husband was born on a Friday the 13th......So every so many years his birthday falls on a Friday.
Those are the Birthday's we actually plan stuff to do.
I guess I think it is fun to kinda be superstitious......It turns something as ordinary as a number, into something where people plan things around or for that certain day......You have to admit who ever started this superstition, is a brilliant mind....or at least had a good master plan:)
IF it did not cost too much more...I think I would get the two year out one....But then if you get into a wreck or something like that, and end up needing a new car or something......You would have to replace the tabs(if the car needed them of course).
That would always be something to think about, if you needed something real to go off of.