Hi D.,
I too, live in Ohio, just a little north of you. I moved here from the Virgin Islands, so I know it can be very difficult to live here with these grey skies, especially in the Miami Valley. I was diagnosed with S.A.D. by my doctor, who was then able to do some things to help alleviate the symptoms. I was given a prescription for a U.V. light, not the same kind as in tanning booths, so it doesn't harm my skin, and some medications and vitamins to help. Unfortunately, S.A.D. is very common here in Ohio because of our climate and lack of real sun exposure in the winter. I am very active outdoors during the summer so when the fall hits and I can't be outside as much, it hits me extra hard, so I joined a gym and continue my workouts inside year-round, which has helped more than anything! My gym has a pool and is nice and warm both in the water and air temp, so I swim year round too, which seems to make the winter go by that much quicker.
Please tell your doctor about your symptoms and see if he/she can help you too. There are only some things we can control in life and sometimes, moving isn't an option. So with a little help, I was able to "bloom where I was planted." Some of my friends tease me that I'm the "Hibiscus flower in a hot-house" because you have to move the tropical flower inside, under the right UV light in order to stay alive during the winter. That would be me in Ohio. Hopefully you will have relief soon and that you will be able to enjoy life, no matter what climate you are in. Sometimes I have to consciously wake-up and decide to act happy on a gloomy day, even if I don't feel like it. By the way, let your husband open the blinds and get as much natural light inside as possible, even if it is through the clouds. That natural light is what we S.A.D. sufferers need the most! Good luck!