Here's the ironic thing about life:
Say you've spent tens of thousands outfitting your home with MRE's for x number of people for a year, grow lights, seed stock, live stock, solar power, necessary medicines & gear (everything from antibiotics, to plaster for casts, to immunizations, to surgical equipment), a human waste recycling unit, NBC suits (nuclear, biological, chemical) & gas masks, 50 years worth of contact lenses & tampons, and reading material for sanity's sake...or even hundreds of thousands and you've turned your house / underground bunker with blast doors and hermetic sealing, with self circulating reoxygenating air....into an entirely self sustaining fortress.
Say you've dona ALL that....when the asteroid/bombs/tidalwaves/angry mobs/plague/chemicals/'ll be on a camping trip, or stuck in traffic on the freeway, or in the elevator, or at a wedding.
Life's just like that.
So keep basic emergency gear in the basement & trunk...but mostly kept a flexable "I can DO this, even if I don't know how right now, I can figure it out" attitude. <grinning> And never live on an island without knowing how to sail a boat.