My daughter had recurrent ear infections at around that age. She ended up with tubes in her ears. While your daughter may end up with an ear infection, if they were clear yesterday, chances are pretty good it is just a cold. "Just" that doesn't quite capture how miserable a cold can make a child.
When your child is congested, the congestion puts pressure on the tubes in your child's ears. This causes ear pain and can cause imbalance and can eventually lead to an ear infection due to the fluid being trapped there. It sounds like you are doing a pretty good job with consoling her and trying to make her comfortable. Here are some things I do to try to help with the congestion when my kids are sick.
Run a humidifier. Both at night and during the day in the room your child will be in. If your humidifier is on a second floor and you are on the first floor with your child (and so is the kitchen), you can put a big pot of water on the stove on low heat. It will act like a vaporizer and put the steam into the air.
Our family has a family "remedy" for congestion. Peel an onion and put it into a large pot filled with water. Boil the onion until it is soft all the way through. Turn off the water and let it cool. Serve the water/broth with a little sugar in a sippy cup/bottle to your little one. The onion helps to break up congestion and the fluid helps to thin out the congestion. If your child won't take the onion broth (which they usually do since it is sweet), still make sure that she drinks plenty of clear fluids to help thin out the congestion so that it can drain.
Homemade chicken soup is another wonderful home remedy. Make sure to include onions in the broth as that is one of the main reasons it works so well. If you need a recipe or two, let me know. I have one I got from a parents magazine that is for Chicken Vegetable soup. It was sent in by a doctor as his family's cold remedy and then I have a chicken noodle soup recipe of my own.
Vicks Baby Rub or Johnson and Johnson Vapor Rub both help a lot with the congestion as well.
A warm bath in a steamy bathroom can also help with the congestion.
Before trying to suction out the nose, get some Little Noses Saline Nose Drops. Drop them in according to the directions and then wait a few minutes before suctions. They help to thin out the congestion so you can get more out when you do suction.
Also, if she is in pain don't hesitate to give her Tylenol or Ibuprofen. And don't wait 7-10 to call back. Here is my doctor's guidelines. If she is getting worse or not getting better after another day or two, then call back. The symptoms of an ear infection are pretty much the same as a cold. Sometimes with an ear infection the congestion will have cleared up but they will still have the ear pain and the loss of balance and still be tired.
I know it is really frustrating when our little ones are in pain. My whole family has been sick for the past 10 days. My littlest guy (7 months on Wednesday) is still fighting it and teething at the same time. Sometimes it depends on the bug they are fighting and it might never develop into an infection. Other times, it might become an infection fairly quickly. If you just saw the doctor, give it a day or two but don't wait a week.
Good luck with your little girl. I hope she is feeling better soon.