Just a quick answer. I had a hysterectomy four years ago because of fibroids, pain and heavy bleeding. I am 46 now. It is the best thing I ever did for myself!!! My doctor was going to try to take it out vaginally (no scar or cutting into abdomen) but it didn't work out like he had planned because of the fibroids. So I have a c-section like cut/scar. I was in the hospital for 4 days. It was painful at first, and hard to get out of bed, but I just pushed myself to get up and get moving. I also had never had major surgery before. I have my ovaries and I still can tell when I ovulate, just by my moods and maybe tender breasts, etc. But no more bleeding!!!! Yay! You don't need hormone therapy if you have your ovaries. Really the side effects are all good ones. Like I said before, best thing I ever did for myself. If you want, you can send me a private message if you need more info. Good luck!