Last Friday, my computer bit the dust. My guy is a computer engineer, my son is a second year computer engineering student, my other kids are serious technogeeks with wires for veins. So we have computers laying around all over the house.
Needless to say, it wasn't long before I had another computer up and running just for M..
At that point I had not been on Mamapedia for TWO WHOLE DAYS!
And I liked it. So I decided to go a WEEK without signing on. I'm embarrased to say how HARD that was, but I DID make it through the week.
I'd LIKE to report I got a whole MESS of stuff done, I wouldn't have gotten done reading posts and responding to questions, but I didn't really. So I'm back. But I think I'll be taking deliberate Mamapedia vacations from time to time from now on.
If only to give ya'll a break. I mean, ya must get pretty sick of M.!
I have FB too, but it doesn't interest M. that much.