You might want to consider nixing the corn altogether. Many people think that corn is a vegetable. Corn is actually a grain, and not a very healthy one at that. That's why they use it to make high fructose corn syrup. It has a high glycemix index increasing the risk of weight issues and diabetes. It's also why farmers feed it in huge quantities to cattle - it makes the cows obese, bringing in more $ at market. Very unhealthy for the cows, and people who eat the beef downstream.
Here is an article on it if you are interested.
In addition, conventional corn is all genetically modified, thanks to Monsanto. You would have to buy certified organic corn to avoid this. Many foreign countries have outlawed GMOs because of health dangers. Not here in the good 'ole USA, however, thanks to corporate lobbyist influence in Washington. Money is more important than health in the US. Here is an article on GMO corn:
As another post already mentioned, corn is also an allergen for some people, making it a poor choice for beginner foods.
Perhaps you might want to skip the corn? Your decision, of course.
Good luck!