Let me make some suggestions, as a stay at home mom who used to bring home 40% of our total income. My Husband and I had talked and agreed that we wanted me to be a stay at home mom at least till the kids were in school full time, and then have a job where I would be home before they were, too, until at least high school.
When we were both working, we lived in the city, and both drove separate cars to the same workplace, had higher taxes, and a bigger mortgage on a littler house. Before we had kids, we moved out to a tiny town, about 35 miles from work, got a bigger house for less money, less taxes, and less crime in town/less trouble in the school. We made sure to pay off our student loans before we tried to get pregnant, and we planned our mortgage to be paid off beofre our oldest child is out of High School. We also made sure we were free of Credit card debt. All we had was one car loan, and one mortgage debt-wise.
So we had a bit of a plan, but as usual, life threw us a curve ball. When we did get pregnant with our daghter we were elated, but at 28 weeks, I got pregnancy induced hypertension and was put on bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy. That was 10 + more weeks of my income we were counting on having, at least $5000, plus we ended up with many more Dr. and Hospital bills because of my condition, requiring more Dr. visits, more Ultrasounds and NSTs and then she stopped responding as they wanted and we had a C-Section, to get her out safely! What wa going to be a manageable bill ( we do have insurance) became more than the income I missed out on. We paid the hospital bills with cash/checks, but then groceries and gas and eating out were all going on the credit card. We ended up digging oursleves out of $8,000 of credit card debt after she was born.
When she was 9 months old, and was weaned from nursing, I was fortunate to find a part time job at the local library, 5 hours, two nights a week, and every other Saturday. It was great, got me a break from the baby and a little money of my own ( It was a SHOCK going from $22 an hour to $0) - forced daddy to spend one on one time with the baby and get a taste of what I dealt with every day. I didn't start work till he was home, so no daycare expense, and no nerves of leaving her with "someone". I hae orked there almost 3 years now, with a 6 month break for the birth and maternity leave for my son.
The moral of the story is, you CAN make it work....if you really want it. Sit down with all your financials, figure out a budget to show your husband - take out the gas you use to get to and from work, take out meals out/convienence foods, take out daycare costs, and your mortgage. If you can find something part time or a different shift, like I do 5-9 pm, or weekends, when HE can be the main caregiver, add it in by all means!
Men need to really see the numbers to know it can work. We haven't given up our standard of living, though we don't eat out alot, or shop as much, and we do still go on about 4 family trips a year - now, they aren't to Disney, they are to family and friends who live away from us, and we go to attractions and interesting historical sites/parks/museums along the drive. We are planning to save up for Disney once the kids are old enough to care/remember. We are still improving our home and property, and we have life insurance, health insureance, and retirement account we are managing to still fund, as well.
Show him the money/concreete facts, and he may be willing to give it a try.
Good Luck, you will never regret being with your kids as much as you can!
P.S. - I wouldn't wait the 3 years till the house is paid off, I would try to figure out a way to do this now, while the kids are small enough to REALLY benefit from you being there, before they are both in school most of the day.