Gosh, I just wanted to say hugs to you... what a situation, and during the holidays too.... my heart goes out to you.
I almost cried when I read your posting.
For now, do all you can to take care of your own back...meaning, get your finances in order, and EVERYTHING else you can... in a logical and common sense manner. You have to MAKE SURE you are taking care of your personal matters NOW. PLAN AHEAD no matter what. Think ahead. Do NOT leave yourself (and your kids) "vulnerable" as far as finances or medical coverage etc.
Make sure he is not leaving you in debt... if your name is attached to any accounts he has.
Make sure that you KNOW what your name is on, legally and financially. You don't want any surprises.
Depending on how old he is... is he going through any "middle age" crises? Or, depression? Or an affair? Or career problems?
Keep your head and wits about you... but you MUST take care of yourself first. He has already proven that you CANNOT rely on him now, or any longer. And don't count on any "cooperation."
Tell your family.. and ask for any help you may need for your children. Tell your best friend. GATHER a support network for yourself... do not isolate yourself and leave yourself vulnerable.
KEEP YOUR WITS ABOUT YOU... and you MUST DOCUMENT anything and everything you can... it will only HELP you later, if things gets worse or if you have to go to court over it. KEEP this common sense approach and for your survival and for your childrens best interest. That is the best advice I can give you.
As far as the emotional impact, find a support group or a counselor if you need to, to help you. Take care of yourself in this respect too.
See if HE will go to counseling. But again, do not pin your hopes on this.
You also have to MAKE SURE he does NOT take the kids anywhere... without legal approvals. Be mindful of this and wise. I would NOT "trust" him with anything right now, or even later. He does not seem stable.
All the best,