No child is born thinking he or she will become 'abusive' or 'destructive'. Each child from the moment he/she is born has three needs - to love, to be loved, and be valued. When these needs are not met, they display behavior that we disapprove of. However, they are not mature enough to express themselves in the right way. Unfortunately, we too don't have the right tools to deal with the undesired behavior and often use reward, punishment, and consequence model to get an immediate result. However, these are ineffective in long-term and do not get the message across. The message should be that a child should behave in a certain way because that is the right thing to do, NOT because there is a reward, punishment, or consequence coming afterwards. And, that requires a long term process with love, kindness, respect, and empathy.
If we want our children to have good values, we need to treat them as if they already have those values. They need to know that no matter how frustrated we get with them, we always love them the same. When we use coercive tactics, they either withdraw or become defiant. When we label them as bad, they sure prove that and that is why any labeling is disabling.
Albert Einstein said that for every negative word that we say to our children, we need to say at least ten positive things about them to compensate for the negative word and bring about a positive change.
With all being said, it is far more important to have the 'right relationship' with our children than the 'right technique' to deal with them. With time, they do outgrow their immature bahavior but how we treat them and make them feel along the way can have a far greater impact than any of our role power tactics.
I highly recommend the following books, which I think is a 'must read' for every parent. These sure have given me deep insight into parenting.
- Raising your spirited child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka
- How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
- Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn
- Smart Love by Marth and William Pieper
- How to raise your child's emotional intelligence : 101 ways to bring out the best in your children & yourself / Allen Nagy, Geraldine Nagy.
I would also like to recommend the book below as it offers a unique perspective into ADHD, ODD, and other such labels:
Discover Your Child's Learning Style : Children Learn In Unique Ways--Here's The Key To Every Child / Mariaemma Willis & Victoria Kindle Hodson. : Willis, Mariaemma.