Try going in and laying her back down repeatedly without speaking to her (or only say, nite-nite) and only taking the time to lay her down then walk back out. She may be using her new skill of getting into a standing position but doesn't know how to get back down without feeling as though she might fall. I wouldn't give up the morning nap, or the afternoon nap just yet. Try this and don't worry if she only naps for an hour at either nap; that may be all she needs.
You can teach her to be in her bed happily, even if she is awake, so that each nap/rest time is at least an hour and she can wake up and entertain herself for a while before you rush in to get her. Her bedtime can still be 8 p.m., you determine that, she determines IF she will sleep, but you can be in control of what times she is IN her bed.
Don't have the entire house quiet at her nap times but don't have a radio or TV playing in the room where she is resting.
You are the one that KNOWS what she needs, she isn't. Sleep is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT now and for a couple of years to come. Be strong, you're the mama.