This is very typical: she got sick, woke from being sick and uncomfortable, went through the time change, and now she has a habit of waking 2-3 times a night that you have reinforced by attending to her and even nursing her to sleep. You have to break the habit. It can be hard to do since you work and are probably too tired to stick to your guns at night when you are exhausted, but you have to decide on a sleep training plan and stick to it.
You have about 4 options: 1) let her cry it out, not checking on her at all; 2) let her cry it out, but check on her every 5-10 minutes (only when she is really wailing, a cry that sounds kind of like a choking sob that escalates in volume); 3) let her cry it out but with you in the room, speaking soothingly and maybe patting her back. Each night you move closer to the door until you are out of the room; 4) using the pick up/put down method (visit for more info) where you pick her up when she cries, put her down when she stops, and repeat at any wakes until she crashes from exhaustion.
You are right, she does not need to eat at night at her age, just be sure you feed her lots during the day.
At her age, any of these approaches will take at least 3 days to work, so start on a Friday night. Also, since you nurse, it may be better to let dad do it so she doesn't smell your milk. That makes it even harder on her. Lastly, if you give in at all, you have just taught her that she has to cry for 2, 3, however many hours it took to make you give in. She is willing to wait, and then it is just torture to her (and you) to start over.
Good luck!