Dear Alysa, I am so sorry this is happening; it sounds like an ordeal. I can tell you what happened similarly with my younger daughter and hope this if informative. She had had labored breathing, mouth breathing, and snoring heavily at night all her little life. Breathing through her mouth made her speech very nasal, as though she had a constant cold. Regular doctor told me not to worry, she would grow out it...I wasn't too convinced but also was not oriented toward interventions or mainstream health system anyway, having my kids at home etc...Finally, at age 7, a speech therapist looked in her little throat and said she has HUGE tonsils and that's why she can't breathe or talk normally...So I went to a truly great ENT doctor who confirmed that they were abnormally large, and said while they weren't a health concern, and he was conservative about surgery, he did recommend they be removed. So with great trepidation I had the surgery done, and it was the best thing ever. I could hear her breathing through her nose IN THE RECOVERY ROOM right after surgery! She never snored again, and all other related issues cleared up. I will tell you that it is never a light issue to have a surgery, and really be ready to stress resting and recovering and be vigilant about complications..but anyway, for us it was best decision ever and I wish you a good doctor and good experience as you figure this out.