I do believe it, assuming you mean 2011. Specialists get very busy. Often you will wait a good period of time. However, if you call every day/every other day/once per week - to check for cancellations, you should be able to lessen your wait - substantially.
What kind of specialist is it? Make sure a good pediatrician referred you to a good specialist. I assume you are seeing a gastroenterologist as you did not specify. To me, that is the kind you want to see as it makes sense.
Please don't punish your son for this medical issue. It sounds to me like it is medical...not behavorial. If you had a medical condition that caused incontinence, would you want someone punishing you? No. Further, if you are concerned that his classmates may make fun of him...you should be building him up...always.
Your son needs your help right now. You can get him in to that specialist...but it takes persistence.
Try this site. It should hopefully give you some insight into his condition, treatment and what you can do to help him.