My first thought was teething, or ear infection but if the doctor has checked her out and she's fine then it's probably colic.
Colic can strike at any time but early evening is pretty typical - some call it the witching hour but it lasts way longer than an hour.
It's great she sleeps at night.
Ear plugs are your friends - use some when you need to to keep your nerves from frazzling.
Your other kids might need some too.
A sponge bath might be what you can do for cleaning her for now.
It might be hard to take a bath or shower with her.
Are you sure the water isn't too hot or too cold?
If she's happier being carried then get a baby sling and wear her as much as possible.
Take her for long stroller walks - fresh air seems to help tire them out.
You might want to get a sitter for her every so often so you and the other kids can go out and take a break from the crying.
There's no explaining why one baby is fussier than another.
I was my moms fussy baby - she says I cried non stop the first 6 months of my life - and then suddenly it was just over.
My younger sister was so quiet my mom says you could hardly tell there was another baby in the house.