One hour is the standard for government paid programs. My grandson has apraxia of speech. He was diagnosed only with apraxia at 2 and 1/2. It was only with time that other sensory and developmental issues were recognized. Once they were recognized he also received OT and PT.
My grandson has received additional services thru his father's insurance. You always have the option of obtaining additional services tho you do have to pay for them. I know of no way that you can change the rules in place for government programs.
My grandson's speech therapy was 2-30 minute sessions each week. A toddler cannot focus for an hour. Even now at age 8 his sessions are 30 minutes.
My daughter took my grandson to a developmental pediatrician. We wish we'd known about that resource at the beginning. It was with the pediatrician that he was diagnosed with developmental and sensory difficulties. If he'd seen the developmental pediatrician earlier he would have received more services earlier, tho most of what he received were private pay covered by his medical insurance.