I strongly recommend the book Healthy sleep habits, happy child - it is by a paediatrician and has been a great support to my huisband and I in dealing with our two year old twins and their sleep habits. We take great comfort in knowing that however hard it is, the best thing we can do is let them cry and learn to put themselves to sleep, and back to sleep if they wake during the night. Almost every time we break down and go in to them, we have successfully made things worse as they start from scratch and it is on! Very rarely has there actually been a reason for us to go in (such as a dirty diaper). We have learned the hard way that they just have to work it out for themselves. I think with your daughter, it wouyld be worth checking that the routine is similar to her experience with your parents while you were away, and to reassure her that you will be there in the morning, and maybe even to get a clock with a clear digital display and let her be responsible for coming to get you at whatever time works for you in the morning, say 7, so she can know you are still there and her job is to make sure you are awake at 7:00, and not before! She might enjoy this responsibility. Good luck!