I wouldn't reward him for doing something that may make him uncomfortable. Just keep an eye on it and don't push him too hard. He may be a shy child or he may be overly anxious. Either way, candy won't help!
Does he talk with adults in your home? For many children it is intimidating to interact with big people outside of their comfort zone. I would suggest inviting the teacher to your home for a cup of coffee and see if he is more willing to engage on his own "turf". He isn't really around the teachers that much and he may be the type of child who needs time to feel comfortable.
I would also suggest ignoring the lack of communication. If you draw attention to it, he will become more anxious. If he speaks to an adult, don't over-praise him. Later on, mention to him that you appreciate his willingness to talk to whoever. Don't make a big deal, but let him know that you noticed.
He will probably outgrow this, but stay aware of it! Very unlikely, but it could develop into Elective Mutism, which is pretty difficult to work through. If it doesn't get better, speak with the pediatrician and ask for a referral to a play therapist.