My husband and I were married for 11 years once we got pregnant. I was only on birth control for 1 1/2 of the years (I was in a study to help my period problems). He was in the army 6+ of those years so we weren't always together. So, when we had actively tried to get pregnant and it wasn't happening, my doctor took it seriously. He was tested, I was tested, I charted religiously and still, nothing. I went on Clomid, it didn't work so my doctor doubled the dose. Then I panicked and went off of it (after lots of research). Still not pregnant.
Meanwhile my friend was also having fertility issues and already saw a specialist due to previous problems. She was talking to her doctor about me and her doctor asked if I took a lot of Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, etc). I did - it's my pain killer of choice. I had had two major knee surgeries the year prior and had to take extra to control inflammation. Also, my periods have always bee a nightmare and to help, I have to take a lot of Ibuprofen before and during my periods. Well, there was a little known study that showed that Ibuprofen was causing infertility problems. Women would still ovulate like normal (hence the reason that my tests were okay) but it would put a barrier around the egg. Well, 4 cycles after stopping Ibuprofen (Tylenol only) I got pregnant! I actually had just been referred to a specialist and it felt great to call and cancel that appointment!!
So, one thing I always recommend is to stop taken Ibuprofen while trying to conceive (it can't hurt). Also, I highly recommend the book "Taking charge of your fertility". It teaches you and your partner how to prepare your bodies naturally. It takes 3 months to clean out your body and the 4th cycle you'll be ready to go (notice that's EXACTLY how long it took me with the Advil).
Lastly, she should be seeing a specialist by now. I don't know what tests they have run, but one that has helped women (including one I know) is the one that they check your fallopian tubes. I'm told it's painful because they inject dye in your tubes to check for blockage. Many times, just performing this test clears everything out and makes it possible for women to finally conceive. The one woman I know had it done while on Clomid and now has twins that are nearing their 1st birthday. So, let her know she might want to get off of Clomid if having the test run.
Also, have her do research on Clomid. Unfortunately, it's counter-productive. The side-effects actually make it HARDER for you to conceive (even though it ramps up your egg production). It's been used to YEARS without much change to it. My mom took it over 35 years ago and never had any luck (I'm adopted). It's a bit scary (in my opinion). I'm glad to see that she won't be taking it long term - it's really not good to. She might even want to take a month break between pills.
Lastly, they need to relax. Take a breath and try not to worry. I wish her the best. At least there are still options of adding a child to their lives in case they never can conceive. They'll love a child no matter how that child came into their lives. :-D