My daughter was a terrible sleeper - didn't take afternoon naps well, couldn't go to sleep on her own, etc. At18 mos. she hated the crib that we moved her to a toddler bed for her safety. She also would scream if the door was closed completely. This made it even harder to do cry it out. My husband was all for trying cry it out, but I couldn't do it. I am not against cry it out, and if you can handle it go for it. But if not, try the books No Cry Sleep Solution and Good Night, Sleept Tight. They are the books the pediatrician recommended. I did the method where you sit by the bed and gradually move away from the bed. It takes a while, but it was very easy. It took about a month and now my daughter is a great sleeper. She did start the wake up thing in the middle of the night after we moved and we just walked her back to her room. Another important thing is having an established bedtime routine, so it says it is bedtime, not you. We do bath, bedtime snack, brush teeth, potty, book, then goodnights.
Good luck, I know how tiring and frustrating it can be. My daughter is still very active and we have on occasion resorted to sleeping with her, but that is in extreme situations and we still do not have a problem going back to placing her in her bed and saying goodnight.