Both of my babies learned fairly easily to fall asleep without nursing (I say as I continue to pat my 14 month old in my lap and tell him, "just let me type this, and THEN we'll nurse" LOL). However, I can tell you that weaning isn't really necessary. You might try putting him off at nap time. Pat for awhile, cuddle for a bit, THEN nurse. Or try getting your significant other to put him down sometimes. That is what finally worked for me. My husband would put him down on nights he, my husband was still awake at bedtime. Having DADDY rock him was very soothing to baby, and it let my nipples have an evening off ;)
You might try setting up a sleeping routine. Read book, listen to this one song, then rocks and cuddles, and then, if you have to, nursing for just a few minutes, then back to rocks and cuddles. Delete a step for naps or add a step for bedtime, to show a difference between the two.
You really don't have to teach babies to sleep. They eventually learn... I've never heard of a 16 year old who had to be nursed to sleep ;) Granted, I have sighed and said that I wonder what my son's college friends will think when he needs "Muh" after a stressful class. But we all have days like that LOL
Listen to the woman who said The No-Cry Sleep Solution. My sister used it with GREAT success with her twins. She believes in gentle parenting, and said there was no crying, little stress on her, and no stress on the babies!
And now my son has decided not to wait anymore, so I'm going to go nurse him and see if HE'LL go down for a nap after he settles down. He's about three hours late on it, so WE ARE IN A MOOD!!!
Good luck. Follow your instincts, and enjoy your baby while you can. My first one goes off to first grade in two weeks, and my oldest (who came as a package deal with my husband when he was just a little boy) can nearly look me in the eye as he gets ready for fourth! The time passes so much too quickly :*)