Maybe she is teething? Give her children's Tylenol, wait about 20 minutes and see if her crying stops.
My 18 month old daughter has been crying and whining non-stop in the mornings for about the last two weeks. Unless I hold her, she pretty much cries from the time she gets up (she wakes up on her own about 5:30), until we leave at around 7:00. She is usually very happy with her Dad, but he has tried to deal with her without any success. Once we are in the car, she stops. She is never happy about me leaving her at daycare, but she doesn't usually cry, she is happy during the day, and she always appears to be happy when I pick her up. It is making my morning very stressful since I do have to get dressed and get ready for work. I hold her as much as possible, try to distract her with food, coloring books( which she loves) toys, and television. Nothing seems to be working. Is this just a phase that I have to get through? Any thoughts or peace of mind would be great! She has been going to this daycare since August, and was in an in-home daycare last year.
Maybe she is teething? Give her children's Tylenol, wait about 20 minutes and see if her crying stops.
Could she be teething?
My 20 month old is going through something similar right now. He's fine when he wakes up, but from breakfast time until his nap he is my little koala bear wanting to hang off of me. Other than not being able to get anything done in the morning hours, it's also difficult to hold him because I am very pregnant right now. I've also tried distracting him with his favorite things and even some new ones (playdough worked for about 2 minutes). I think it's just a phase he's going through and maybe my patience are being tested to get me ready for baby #4? Sorry I'm not much help...I wish you much patience and alone bathroom time in the a.m.!
Hi K.,
I feel for you. My son went thru this off and on from age 2-4. He just had a hard time with the parting of the ways and the time leading up to it.
I had to always reassure him that I would be back, that I loved him very much, and that I would miss him, too. Something that helped was to make a special little picture book with mommy and daddy that he could take with him.
R. B.
I know that it is hard when something is wrong with our kids and we don't know what. Please know that I'm not saying anything like this has happend to your daughter I just want to give you an example. When my daughter was 14 months old she started having crying fits and nothing would sooth her. Then she would just want me to hold her. She was going to a in home daycare and I really didn't notice anything at first then I knew something was not right. Long story short she was being abused at the daycare. I'm not saying that is going on with you, I'm just saying that when our little ones start acting diffent it is becasue something diffrent has happend. Sometimes it can be something as little as a change in enviroment. The point is I think when we notice this we should not discount it and get to the bottom of it. I wish I had sooner. NEVER underestimate a mommys gut feeling. God gave us the blessings to watch over and protect. I was too caught up with myself and my career to see what was going on with my precious baby. Now I'm a stay at home mom and have never been happier. I pray all is well.
Blessings M.