We had a similar experience with our 10 mos old son, and by accident, we ended up changing his dinner time schedule and that same night he slept through the night! I had been giving him an afternoon bottle around 5 and then giving him his regular dinner around 6, 6:30 and then putting him to bed around 7:30or 8 but a few weeks ago, he had taken a late nap and didn't wake up until 6:30 and when he did, he didn't want to eat anything but small pieces of fruit, so right before he went to bed, I gave him 8 oz of formula and that night he slept through the entire night. My husband and I recreated what we did the night before, except this time, we fed him his dinner at 5:00pm and gave him a bottle of formula right before he was put down and he fell asleep again. We have kept this pattern up for the past 3 weeks now. My husband and I think that our son was maybe waking up in the middle of the night because his stomach was working to digest his food, and he was waking up due to gas, etc. With the formula, it kept him full, but it was easier to digest. I'm not sure what your eating schedule is like with your daughter, but it could be something similar to what we experienced. Good Luck!