I would cut him back to one nap during the day.
The bigger problem, though, is that you are training him that when he wakes up he will have lots of Mommy time. 2 bottles (laying him down with one is terrible for his teeth...the sugars in the milk pool in the mouth),playtime, and a bath...I don't blame him for getting up. Who wouldn't want that!!!
Try cutting him back on naps during the day so he's more tired and then try NOT letting him get up at night. If you really think he's hungry, and he might be, I would let him have one bottle in the middle of the night. When he wakes up I would keep the room dark and gently rub his back and help him put himself back to sleep. Keep the room calm and quiet.
The change won't happen overnight...he probably thinks this is his routine. You both deserve a good night's sleep, though!
Good luck!!!