Hello all...
Not sure if my son is an oddity, but Italian food always gets him eating. He loves anything in spaghetti sauce. He usually eats anything I give him, but if he's not too keen on say brocolli one day, all I have to do is put some tomato sauce on it and he gobbles it up.... Is this good for him?
Sometimes I open canned tomatoes or stewed and put that on rather than spaghetti sauce b/c I think hey tomatoes are better right?
But, yes, I too have this problem every night deciding what is best for him to eat.
He was just at his 1 year appt yesterday and the Pediatrician said "Go for quality, not quanity" as his appetite will decrease with all the new stimuli around him and beginning to walk.. he said he may only eat 1X a day and just to keep offering nutricious "small" snacks and milk (at least 2 times a day, but definately with all meals). He also said to limit juice to 4oz per day and not to let my son "cruise around" with a sippy of milk or juice, but just water during the day. Reserve the milk and juice for meal/snack times and try to always feed meals in the highchair to signify that this is what "everybody does".. so that he'll get used to seeing mealtime as a serious, pleasant experience that is part of "family time" and then he won't be as likely to snack on junk and overconsume throughout the day.
Other things I've bought into are to have a fruit tray (even if I have to buy it) and steamed veggies in tupperware dishes in the fridge. I put cheerios in baggies in the diaper bag and I stock up on big packs of yogurt. I leave the mac n cheese and the grilled cheese for restaurants (Friendly's) and order a side of mixed veges or applesauce instead of fries.
Any other tips toddler mommies? I am running out of creativity and I have to sack this all together after he goes to bed at 8pm so that I can get ready for work the next day.
Keep the ideas flowing ladies...