She has complained about her stomach and feeling nauseas for years. We have had her to a Gastro specialist, she has had many tests done and still no answers. I can't ...
My son is 13 and on Sunday afternoon around 4 started having stomach "cramps". These cramps were doubling him over and coming in waves. At about 7 I called our fami...
My son started with a fever last week. Started on Monday went thru Thrusday and peaked at 103.6. Friday and all weekend he was fine, just had a little cough. Wednesd...
Our poor 8 month old boy is experiencing some pretty bad rashes. It all started when he was 3 months old, and a case of empitigo was mis-diagnosed for a week by the p...
My 6 month old was diagnosed at 3 months old as having food allegies. This was discovered after 3 months of a very sick baby. She had bad refux, eyes draining constan...
My daughter is 2 1/2 and has had skin problems since birth. We have tried all sorts of creams for her skin, all the over the counter creams for sensitive skin, the c...
We are now on formula number 4 per our pediatrician to see if allergy related - from Enfamil Newborn, to Gentleease to Soy and now on a hypoallogenic one. His face se...
My son had a bad cold a few weeks ago. All the symtoms have gone away, minus the cough which has gotten worse. He can't go 2 or 3 minutes without coughing and is up a...
My 7 yr old girl has been complaining of pain in her stomach all along summer vacation and sometime earlier also. She has it almost everytime after eating anything ( ...