1 year old diarrhea for a week

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Three Week Old Not Emptying Breast

A.M. asks from Kansas City

I am breast feeding and bottle feeding our three week old daughter. She falls asleep every time I put her to my breast. It feels like she is not emptying my breasts, ...


Almost 12 Week Old Sleeping..

H.B. asks from Dallas

I know this is a weird question, but my husband is a little worried so I wanted to ask all you smart mommas out there! Our almost 12 week old son is sleeping a LOT at...


Giving a 7 Week Old Cereal

L.B. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Moms, My husband and I do not agree on this one. My 7 week old son is eating between 4 and 6 ounces a feeding. It seems we are always feeding him. He sleeps at...


Need Advice on 2 Week Old Cryer

J. asks from Tampa

I have a 2 week old baby girl and all she does is cry, no matter what we do. we rock her, sing, walk, nothing seems to satisfy her. The doctor has checked her out and...


1 Month Old Cant Poopy

A.C. asks from Sarasota

My 1 month old hasnt pooped since Sunday and before that we were lucky if she pooped once a day and she really struggled. she seems to be miserable. Any advice?


Kids Sick for over a week...need Home Remedies

L.S. asks from New York

Both kids had fever and other flu like symptoms last week. 10 month old had an ear infection, that is gone, but he is still coughing and has a runny nose. My 3 yr o...


1 Year Old Is 16 Lbs.

M.F. asks from Denver

Hi Moms, My son just had his one year old appt. today and he weighed in at 16 lbs. He also weighed 16 lbs about 7 weeks ago. I'm just concerned about what might be...


16 Week Old Not Happy with Just Breast.

H.W. asks from Albany

My beautiful 16 week old little girl was exclusively breast fed for the first 3 months, then I returned to work, and we started supplementing with formula every now a...


Seeking Safe Foods for a 1 Year Old After the Stomach Flu

D.B. asks from Denver

Hoping you can all help! My one year old son started with the stomach flu on Friday night. It was in full force all day Saturday and Sunday. By Monday he seemed to...


23 Week Old, Daughter, Is Having Painful Bowel Movements, What Do I Do?

C.B. asks from Minneapolis

My 23 WEEK old has had 3 bowel movements today where she is screaming in pain and crying.. The poops are not very big (relatively speaking) but are very hard.. Probab...

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