Life & Relationships: Myself, NutriSystem

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10 answers

Jenny Craig Vs. NutriSystem

Hello Everyone! So my daughter is almost 2 years old and I am ready to start getting serious about losing some of the weight I've gained since having her. A little late but I just haven't really cared until now I see myself in pics with her and look fat! And I am wanting to start trying for another baby in about a year so I want to get my body ready for that. I am horrible at diets like South Beach and the other low carb based diets. I am someone who needs to have the foods already prepared and ready to go. Which is why I am considering...


Diets That Work!

I am trying to find the right diet for me. I am 4'9 and 190 pounds and 43...

Working while Pregnant

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7 answers

Nutrisystem Meal Plan

I want to try the Nutrisystem Program. Some people love and some hate it. Can anyone out there tell me about their success, the taste of the food, etc.


Curves Work for You?

I've once again decided it's time to do something about my weight. I used to...