Gerber: Tween

Results 1-10 from 173 articles

Throwing a Birthday Party for a 13 Year Old Girl!?!?

C.S. asks from Phoenix

Hello All! My boss just called and he wants me to put together a birthday party for his daughter who is turning 13. He is a single dad, and is at a loss to what she ...


Do Your Children Have Life Insurance?

S.H. asks from Green Bay

We have seen so many of those Gerber Insurance Policies, and also have several friends who have policies on their children. Do your kids have Life Insurance Policies?


Which Plastics Are Safe and Unsafe to Use?

J.R. asks from Daytona Beach

Does anyone know if it is unsafe to use the #7 plastics (as mentioned in Parents magazine) when it is with Gerber stage 2 foods?


Self Feeding Food Ideas

S.C. asks from Stockton

My son is 10 months old and only has his 2 top and 2 bottom teething. He still takes a few bottles a day and Gerber pureed/level 3 food along with wheels, puffs, sta...


Feeding a Fussy Toddler

D.H. asks from Providence

Hi All! Does anyone have any suggestions for feeding a fussy 16 month old boy. The only thing he will eat is Gerber meatsticks, diced fruit and alphabet noodles in ...


Graduating to Solids - 6 Months Old - Oatmeal vs Rice Cereal?

I.U. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is ready to start eating solids and my ped suggested rice cereal to start. For some odd reason, I am anti-Gerber (don't ask why b/c I don't have a good re...


12 Month Old Only Likes Crunchy Food

S.D. asks from Austin

I'm just wondering if there are any other moms who have or had the same problem.....well I don't know if it's a problem. My son likes to eat animal crackers, toast no...


Schedule for Breastfeeding?

T.M. asks from Victoria

EDIT AFTER READING SOME RESPONSES: My baby WILL NOT take a bottle/sippy cup/etc. Absolutely WILL NOT. I have tried - believe me. Also - he was eating 5 jars ...


Almost 1 Year Old Isn't Eating.

C.I. asks from Washington DC

Hi everyone... I only have a minute to enter my question because my Kyle is trying to eat my computer cord, but I am the mother of a little boy who is turning 1 on We...


Helping Transition to "Real" Solid Foods

C.T. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 8-1/2 months old+. We started rice cereal when she was 4 months old and veggies and fruits at 6 months. She has now tried almost all of the "jarred" b...