Beauty: Steroids

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32 answers

Despairing Mom Seeking Advice on Severe Eczema Treatments (Natural, Preferred)

My 6 month old daughter has been bouncing from doctor to doctor for her eczema. It culminated recently in a three day stay in the hospital because it began to impact her breathing. (We've been told and read that eczema, allergies and asthma go hand in hand.) We have tried every possible treatment and lack of treatment out there. We've changed everything that could possibly be causing her an allergic reaction. Her daycare is careful to only use our products, blankets, clothes, etc. When she was in the hospital, her eczema cleared up...

Hair Care

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Hair Loss Alopecia

Lost a huge patch of hair in back of head. Has anyone ever dealt with this...


Personal Style

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21 answers

@ Sahms - What Do You Wear Each Day? (Wardrobe Piggyback) JFF

SAHMs - What does your daily wardrobe look like? This is a piggyback off of someone else's question about being a SAHM and letting her wardrobe get frumpy. I feel the same way. Being a SAHM and not feeling the pressure to look nice has gotten me into a jeans/Tshirt/sweatshirt routine. I don't have the greatest confidence in my body - I gained 50 lbs while pregnant and have only lost about 20 of it. So, a lot of my clothes that I wore while I worked, don't fit. The extra weight is another reason for the ultra-frumpy wardrobe. So,...

Skin & Bodycare

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S. Emma's Mom

Emma is doing alot better with this new Med the doctor put her on we are...