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Early Intervention/language Development for Toddler

Dallas, TX

I am wondering if there is an early intervention program here to help my toddler and I work on his verbal skills. Our doctor in Memphis wasn't too worried about the fact that my son (25 mo) didn't speak much at all, and told me to wait til he was 3 to worry, but I can't help it. Someone mentioned that schools often have EI programs, and I was wondering if that is true here as well? How do you get in touch with them? Also, I will take suggestions; I've been trying very hard to always name everything I touch or need as well as ask him to say things before he can have them, but that gets him very frustrated. By the way, I'd say he has around 20 words but they're very hard to undertand for outsiders as well as the fact that he doesn't link any words together (not even please, tho he can say please). thanks in advance

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I'm Moving to Houston and I'm Looking for the Best School Districts

Houston, TX

I am moving to Houston in the next few months and I would like some input on what are the best areas in terms of schools. From some information I found on the internet it said that Spring and Cypress-Fairbanks had good school systems. Can anyone confirm that, or tell me other areas in the North and West areas of Houston that are known for their schools? Does anyone know a website where areas are rated in terms of their neighborhoods and schools? Thank you!!!

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Ideas for End-of-year Gifts

Little Rock, AR

I'm a single mom who doesn't get off work in time to pick the kids up from school. I rely on the kindness of others (and the public school transportation system) to get my kids hoome in the afternoon. The children's bus driver is AWESOME. He genuinely cares about my kids and their safety, and he takes the time to do a few "extra" duties. He once called me on my cell phone to let me know my son had missed his stop - the driver was taking him back to the right stop after he made his regular route, so he'd be a little later than usual getting home. Any suggestions on an appropriate end-of-year thank-you gift for this wonderful man? He's in his 60's (best guess), loves to watch sports, and is diabetic.

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Montessori Schools??????

San Antonio, TX

Hello there everyone, We have researched a lot on a good school for our 3 yr.old going to pre k next year. We have come across a nice private school here in SA that is taught the Montessori way. I have read up a bit on Montessori education but am still not quite understanding the benefits of it? Is there anyone out there who can give me a more understanding? Thank you,Julie

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Need Advice on Electronics Monitoring for Kids

Austin, TX

My work requires a large amount of computer time. Ditto for my husband. My kids often need access to a computer for various homework assignments. They are allowed a certain amount of time of supervised internet game play but monitoring their time and getting them off almost always ends up in a battle. I'd like some feedback on what works for your family to keep the peace.

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School Supplies

Dallas, TX

Does anyone know who to contact, or where to go, for help with school supplies. Trying to help someone, who may not be able to go and buy everything she needs, for her three kids. Recently they've aquired alot of medical bills, and I know she could use the help. She has so much on her plate, I don't want it to be another thing she has to worry about. Thanks!

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Special Needs Program

Dallas, TX

S.T.A.R. Music (Speech Therapy And Recreational Music)is a fun, parent-child class, at which children work on their individual communication objectives. This is a relatively new program, and I am always looking for ideas. Whom better to ask than moms? If you have a child with special needs, please let me know three aspects you would be interested in seeing implemented in a program that is conducted in a small group setting, and led by a speech-language pathologist. Thank you for your time - I know you don't have much to spare.

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