Dear S.,
What a tough time you are experiencing. My best wishes to you.
It sounds like you have very legitimate "external" reasons to be depressed nd for feeling terrible with all the drama happening in your life. ANYONE in your shoes would be feeling the same way, whether they had a family history of depression or not. So taking Zoloft is NOT a solution because your depression is being caused by the terrible experiences you're having in your life.
If at all possible, try to seek other forms of therapy that (hopefully) may be available for you. Psychotherapy, finding someone to talk to, can work wonders in this kind of situation. I hope there are low fee places in your community.
You say that you don't have time to "deal with postpartum". Why do you assume that you WILL have postpartum depression. Perhaps it may not happen. One of my friends is going through a similar situation and although she is sad, she understands that she will be better off on her own than living with her bum of a husband.
Your doctor is wrong to say that there is no effect on the fetus from this drug. The truth is that these drugs have not been thoroughly tested for their effects on developing babies. Try to seek psychotherapy, massage therapy, yoga, whatever you think might help you through this time. Thanks your parents every day for helping you through this and make sure your Soon-to-be-Ex provides you with the help you need to care for the children you already have with him.
Hope that your situation improves very soon.
But by all means, if you start experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others, talk to your doctor for any medication that can help you through until you get on your feet.