I bought some workbooks at the "Dollar Store" that are for preschoolers - $1 each, with Disney characters that have one page for each letter that you can trace. I also went to Borders and bought a Kumon writing book (less than $10) that has exercises to teach the actual writing skill - how you teach to hold a pencil, tracing exercises that teach drawing lines in different directions. My daughter liked the Kumon book alot, but wasn't really interested in writing out her letters until she was at preschool. She turned 4 just before school started, has attended 3 mornings a week. She is 4.5 now, and writes out her name, copies letters, and writes out some 3 letter words. For my daughter, seeing other children do something has been encouraging to her. We practice writing letters with chalk on the sidewalk, on a chalkboard, on a white board with markers. She likes to use pens rather than pencils and she still doesn't like crayons as much, but that is getting better. We play "Tic tac toe", because you have to draw X and O. She loves to play that with her daddy. Since you have a 7 year old, maybe he can play "teacher". Every child is different. In my daughter's preschool class there is huge variation of the children's handwriting skills between 4 and 5 years old, so I wouldn't stress too much. Above all, make it fun, not a chore at this age. I personally don't push it at home too much, if my daughter wants to practise writing letters, then I encourage her, otherwise I feel that she will have plenty of school work when she gets to kindergarten. Encourage drawing skills and holding a crayon or marker the correct way. Good luck.