girl friend i feel your pain. it took a few months for my period to come after stopping bc and nursing. it's pretty normal. when it does come back though it's with a vengence. if you are really worried though call you ob and see what she thinks. as far as your labido...welcome to mother hood. my daughter is nine months old and i'm just now starting to get mine back, but it's nothing compared to what it was prepregnancy. again, if your really worried about call the doc, but in most cases it will come back eventually. just try to focus more on quality instead of quantity. be inimate with your hubby in other ways. that's what i've tried to do, sex is usually the last thing i'm worried about after cooking, cleaning, working, taking care of the baby and i know it's frustrating for men, but i just tried to make sure he understood that it had nothing to do with him or my love/attraction for him. it's just hormones and exhaustion. things will get better, a little at a time. but if you are interested...try taking evening's suppsed to be a natural way to boost a woman's can get it at health food stores or maybe in the vitamin/herb section at walmart.