I think that's kind of a crazy question. Do YOU always sleep through the night, every night? I don't, and I am 38 years old. I wake up to pee, get a drink of water, or just sometimes for no reason at all.
Also, 11 months is a VERY busy time developmentally. Babies that age are so busy during the day that they don't have much time to nurse and cuddle. My 12 mo hardly nurses at ALL during the day, but he does wake to nurse at night every 3-4 hours. His brother did the same thing. If he is sick or teething hard, it is every hour sometimes.
Yep, that sucks as far as sleep for you. But guess what? You are the mother of a baby, so sleeping in solid 8 hour blocks simply shouldn't be an expectation for you. It's not for me. No use getting upset about it, or trying to change it. It is what it is. Your baby spends the day exploring the world, and the night bonding with mama and catching up on nursing.
Like everything else, this phase will pass before you know it. Right now it seems like this will last forever, but it doesn't.
My four year old sleeps in his own bed and just likes a little cuddling before crashing out, which DH and I are happy to provide. But when he was 10-18mo, I swore he was going to be nursing to sleep and attached to my boob all night until high school. That's what it felt like at the time.
It passed. I never tried to "sleep train" him, I just was there for him at night when he needed me. He sleeps just fine now. He never fights going to bed, and he often sleeps for 12 hours at a time, though not always.
Humans know how to sleep just fine all on their own, without being "trained" to do it. I don't understand the whole emphasis on "training" or letting a baby cry it out. I never let my kids cry it out, and I don't see the point. If I were scared and upset at night, why would it be beneficial for say, my husband, to not come and comfort me?
Since this is your last baby (mine is my last as well), I would just relax and enjoy the quiet, intimate, peaceful time that you spend with your baby at night.
Yes, you will be tired sometimes. Yes, your thinking will be fuzzy sometimes. Some days I feel like I can't even string a sentence together. But this will not last forever, so I just try to relax and enjoy the little warm body nestling against me.
One day he won't want to cuddle with me at night anymore, and I'll have the rest of my life to sleep 8 hours straight if I want to. But right now, for this tiny little window of time in my life, my baby needs me. Why begrudge that? If you love nursing her at night, then why even question it? Especially for your little miracle baby?
Also, I work from home too, and run my own business. I am on the phone, dealing with customers, shipping orders, updating my website, all day long. Yep, it's hard when I feel tired. But it's not the end of the world. If I'm having a rough day, I just admit that I was up with my baby the night before and most people are fine with that. We're all human and people can be very understanding. So don't feel bad on that account either. Remember, you also have the rest of your life to work! :-)
Hope that helps,
L. Hamilton