Well, I used Nestle Gentle=Ease...My little boy was very colicy...It was the only thing that worked....good luck
A friend of mine needs to know which formula is best for a baby with colic. Her 1 month old baby seems to be very colicky. I am hoping some of you new Moms would know the answer. When my son was a baby I gave him Nestle Good Start because of the broken down proteins. Please reply as soon as you can.
Thank you so much! I will let my friend know..........
Well, I used Nestle Gentle=Ease...My little boy was very colicy...It was the only thing that worked....good luck
My daughter was very colic due to silent relux that she had. NUTRAMIGEN is the best and most expensive formula to use for relux, but it works. (BTW, I think it is 90% of colic is due to relux) We also used a thicking agent in every bottle to help keep it down. Simply Thick or Thick It are the brands. And we gave her prevacid the first year of her life. We kept her upright all the time, even feedings and sleep. Hope this helps! I know colic is not fun for anyone!
Your friends baby's doctor can give you the best information for this.
First I would recomend switching to a soy based formula. Most fussy infants tent to come around with a simple switch like that. Second Nestle Good Start is one of the better brands of formula, as it's easier for baby to digest. And if she doesn't want to use Good Start then I would suggest Simulac. If she participates in WIC I believe their current approved formula is Enfamil which is one of the worst formulas out there. The babies always end up with hurting tummies because there is so much iron that they can't make a bowel movement. If that is the case she is going to have to go see her baby's pediatrician and have him write a doc's note on which formula WIC needs to supply. With out a doc's note they will not write the vouchers for anything else. She may also want to think about other causes of colic. Was there a traumatic birth for baby or mom? Was the baby a C-section? There's new reasearch out confirming what I have believed for years, that C-section babies are suffering from a form of PTSD. Think about it. If there is no birth process it leave's the child with a feeling of unfinished buisness, being in a warm quiet place one moment and then being ripped out of there the next with no transitions like a vaginal birth. Best of luck to her, I know how hard a colicy baby can be.
My son who is 5 months old now used to cry after every feeding. I switched him to Enfamil Gentlease and the crying stopped. Have her ask her pedi (I asked our pedi before I switched formulas) if she could try that formula. It might help.
The colicky period will pass. In the meantime I also suggest the DVD "The Happiest Baby On The Block". It has 5 differnt ways to sooth a fussy baby and it really works!
I used lactose free with my first child (I believe it was enfamil) but I breastfed my 2nd and 3rd. My youngest had terrible colic, along with a very red, irritated diaper rash and a rash on her face. I finally completely cut dairy out of my diet and within two days she was a new baby. Turns out she has a milk allergy (she is 4 now and outgrowing it). So, if your friend tries the pre-digested formulas and the baby doesn't seem any better, suggest she try either lactose free or soy.
Nestle Good Start was good for my baby too.
My granddaughter is on Similac Sensitive.
An old wives tale that my family uses is peppermint water, dissolve a peppermint ball in 8 oz. water. Give about an oz. about 2 times a day, pour the remainder out, and start over again the next day. The thing to watch for is loose b/m. If this happens reduce or skip a day. The benefit outways the stress of sugar: which is not as much as you think.
Good Luck.
We had the best luck with the formula made for babies with tummy problems. It was Enfamil Gentlease, & comes in a purple container, also the most wonderful bottles. Dr. Brown's. They cost a little more, but are definately worth it. I bought the 8 oz, just because I knew it wouldn't be long before we would need the bigger ones.
Hope this helps! Good luck!
Hi A.,
I have been through this twice and I know it is so so so hard! In our case, the "colic" was due to acid reflux and milk/soy protein intolerance. Nutramigen (a hypoallergenic formula) was the formula that helped one of my sons with the mspi, but the other had to go a step above that to Elecare, which you cannot buy in stores. Does the baby seem to be having GI distress? If your friend needs to talk with someone, I'd be happy to talk with her. I know what a nightmare that can be.
I also gave my daughter Nestle Good Start. It was the only one we tried (and we tried ALL of them LOL) that would not make her gassy and less agitated
I don' have any advice on the formula but I do have some remedies about when the crying is uncontrollable. My son was colic for about 3 months and I was told by his doctor to run the vacuum cleaner or just turn it on once the vacuum is on the crying stops. I was told the humm of the vacuum reminds them of being in the womb and calms them down. It worked wonders for my son also he liked the sound of running water so I would sit in the bathroom with the water running in the tub. I have a daughter now also she is not colic but when she gets real fussy I turn the vacuum on and it is like a switch vacuum on crying stops. Try it. I hope it works for you. Good luck
I too used Nestle Good Start and had great success with both of my children and this formula.
Been there and done that. I must have changed the formula at least 5-6 times. I ended up with the soy milk. But just like adults your child will be different as to what will work for him the best. Good luck. Be sure and check with your Dr. also. He may have other suggestions.
we had twins with colic, and nutramagin worked for us. It's expensive, but predigested, and really seemed to help!
My newborn was extremely fussy and colicky since from the very first day of his birth. We did whatever we could but nothing worked and the terrible nights were getting prolong. Finally babies magic tea gave us relief from colic and gas pains and now my baby is a happy child.
Pediatricians are well-versed in formula. If it were me and my colicky baby, I would ask the pedi what he/she recommends. I breastfeed, so have no suggestions, but I would go with what the pediatrician says on this one.
I would also recommend the book Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Karp. He has many suggestions and interesting theories on colic. I recommended this to my good friend with a colicky baby, and she called me the other night to tell me she is a "new mama" after following Dr. Karp's suggestions.
Dr. Sears had a good recipe on-line for a Goat's milk formula that you make...it's the next best thing to breast milk.
I totally feel for your friend. My son was very colicky we used a lactose free fromula and my friend swears by soy formula. I think because they are both easily broken down. However, to be honest not much helps it just has to run it's course. She might make sure that her baby doesn't have acid reflux as well. I found out my son had that also which made everything 10 times worse. Once we got the correct medicine for that he was like a new baby.
Best of luck to you all.
A friend of mine has a 9 month old and he had colic.. She told me they had to by Nutramagen (probably mis spelled). It was the only thing that worked and she said it's really expensive... Good luck!!
Margret T wrote about Dr. Sears. His is an expert on colic!
Fabulous books and websites your friend can read. Beyond What to feed the infant, slings also help colicy babies. Let me know if she needs help finding one.
We tried just about everything before we found NUTRAMIGEN (by Enfamil). It's simply the best for colic!!!
I don't know about the formula but i can give you a sure fix for the colic. Take a teaspoon of Fennel seeds, you can buy them in the spice dept. of the grocery store. ( natural and won't hurt the baby). add it to some water and boil it on the stove for a few minutes, then let it steep for 5 minutes. drain the tea from the seeds. and place it in a bottle with a bit of sugar. It tastes like licorice and is very settling to the stomach. have her give it to the baby warm/ not hot, right before the times that the baby is so colicky, like before bed ( my son's case). it will not hurt the baby, but will ease the colic. My son is now 23 yrs old! he survived, and without the colic attacks i survived too!