Our daughter is 15 and we refuse to go cheap. We buy quality...the best we can afford at the time. You get what you pay for.
We got her set from Haverty's. The desk, dresser chest, book shelf, 2 chairs were purchased one at a time as we needed them.
We started out with essentials for baby and grew the room with her for more storage, bookshelf, desk, etc.
About 4 yrs ago, while looking for a bed frame, she happened to see a beautiful huge cherrywood heavy duty frame at Weirs. Of all things, it was on sale!! It was a $2000 bed frame and it was marked to $400 because it was too big for most rooms. Well, her room is huge and it made her room. Her other furniture is white and the bedframe is cherrywood but that did not matter to her so we got it.
Both Haverty's and Weir's pieces have heold up very well and we've had no issues with them.
Good luck