Here's what I would do if I were there and in your shoes. I would go to the local ER and tell them I want to die. To just be done with life. Saying things like this will get you admitted. If you also tell them you are an addict and an alcoholic they will most likely keep you overnight then ship you to the nearest "clearing house" type of place where they evaluate the lifestyle you have to see what kind of program will best suite you.
My daughter did this almost 2 years ago and they took her down that night to the "clearing house" place. They talked to her in depth and since she was pregnant they sent her to a rehab place that was for families. She graduated in October after a year there. She is doing so well and is a good mom now. She is calmer, more able to manage stress, lives in a cute apartment and is going to college. She has meetings every night that are mandatory for her low income housing and has just turned her life around.
I think this is a good option because you are talking to medical staff, they have heard it before, they know what you are going through, they want to help you find the needed program.
Please just look around if that is not what you want to do. Find an AA meeting or an NA meeting. The people who attend accept everyone for who they are, they may have networks of people who know about care based on income. There are out there, you just have to find people who know what to do.