I dropped the midnight feeding when my daughter was 8 weeks old. She was sleeping through the night - about 9PM-7AM at that time. I nursed, so I can't say how much she was eating exactly. BUT I do know that for the first several nights she was sleeping through the night I was WAY engorged in the morning and she would never eat it all. I was miserable. So, she wasn't eating much more in the morning. However, I ended up adding a feeding into the day, making her feedings about 2 1/2 hours apart instead of 3 or 3 1/2. So, I think it might be normal that he won't eat more right away in the morning, but maybe he'll eat more throughout the day than normal? I'd try it for a few days at least... He's a good sized baby, it's very normal for bigger babies to sleep through the night without eating. My daughter was about the same size at 6 months. I say, let the baby sleep and especially let the mama sleep! I think he'll find a way to make up for the missed feeding at midnight during the day. Good luck!