Well A. hats off to you. You have your hands full with two at a time. My suggestion would be to limit or cut out all liquids an hour and a half before bed. Do your same routine before bed, brush teeth,& go potty before you go into the bedroom. Then just try and see what happens. If they don't like the way it feels to be wet in their pants during the day they are not going to like it at all at night.If that dosen't work maybe try a pull up for a week or so first, it feels and looks more like big boy underwear and not a diaper. As far as the transition to beds, thats up to you but my daughter was in her todler bed at a year and a half and about a month later she was fully potty trained with no accidents. She liked being a big girl that didn't wear diapers and had a big girl bed. Take a cue from them, when they are even a little ready then give it a try. I made potty charts for my daughter and every time she went poop on the potty or had an accident free day she got to pick a sticker to put on it and at the end of the week if all was good we could go for ice cream or pick a movie at the rental store, or something that was special to her. That lasted about 3 weeks and it did the trick. She went to bed dry and woke up dry ever since. Hopefully you will find something that works for you and the boys and it wont take long. Good luck.