The fields of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy might interest you if are outgoing, like to work with people and wish to work school hours. PT's require a doctorate and OT a Masters- but, both fields have associate positions, called "Physical Therapist Assistant" or "Certified Occupational Therapist Assistant" who have so many opportunities and only require a 2-year AA degree from a PTA or COTA program.
PTA's and COTA's can work in schools, hospitals, outpatient clinics, or even in home-health pediatrics for the State, called Early Intervention. Associates work under the supervision of a PT or OT, but there is a great deal of autonomy and flexibility. Pay is about $23-$25 an hour in Illinois for an associate and about $33-35 an hour for a PT or OT (more if working directly for the State.)
You can google programs in Illinois if you are interested. Several community colleges have PTA and COTA programs- which last 2 full years plus a period of unpaid internship called a "clinical".
Because PT, OT, PTA and COTA are in such demand, you can set your own hours with a company, say "I am available to work M-Th from 9:00 am until 2:30 pm" and I bet you'll find a great job, especially if like working with kids and families, since there are NEVER enough therapists to go around in the pediatric field! Plus, many facilities have weekend hours, so you can score a full 8-10 hour shift while your partner is home with the kids on the weekend.
Good luck and HAVE FUN on your career search! Let me know if you have any questions, happy to help!