We have 4 kids, so none of them do "all" of this; but, each of them as an 8 yo may have been responsible for any of the following:
1. Clear/wipe table
2. Help unload/load dishwasher
3. Help with laundry (switch a load to dryer, start a load of towels, fold things/put away)
4. Dust
5. Wipe down sink/mirror/toilet in bathroom
6. Sweep porch
7. Care for pets
8. Help cook a meal
9. Straighten a room or game closet
10.Wipe baseboards or cabinets
We usually have our kids do their rooms, but then also have them do 2-3 daily chores and 1 larger weekly chore. It only takes them a few minutes, but helps me a ton.
Hope this helps!