My DD was a fabulous eater until about a week or so ago. She was eating a half of a jar of veggies then half of a jar of fruit which was stage 2. Now we are lucky if she will eat a quarter of a jar of each. She is more interested in our food. We are giving her what we eat in little tiny tiny bits at time. Like last night we had potatoes, chicken and veggies. I still offer her stage 2 food before our dinner just to get her some type of nutrition then move to our food. She also nurses 3-4 times a day and gets two 4oz bottles of breast milk.
If you little one is full blown choking they just aren't ready for those type of foods but if they are just coughing it is them trying to get used to the texture of the food. Which is completely normal. The speech therapist that I work with just says offer fluids with these new textures to help them go down if needed.