Don't forget hydrocortisone cream. You can use that w/ Benadryl. Since she had hives all over her body, you might want to give her oral benadryl. I don't know if you can combine it w/Zyrtec though. Just call the pharmicist or your Dr. to find out. Since it is going to be hot & sticky today, I'd try gold bond powder after you give her the Benadryl.(It has active ingredients similar to Noxema.) Oh, if you give her liquid Benadryl, don't use the Benadryl creme too, just one or the other. Just try to keep her skin cool & dry today to help lessen the hives & prevent a flare up. Heat really aggrivates hives. I used to break out in hives all the time & still do sometimes. I feel your your daughter. There is nothing worse than an uncontrollable itch! If all else fails, a cool bath feels good! You might want to follow-up w/her pediatrician since she had a relatively strong reaction to touching a dog, especially if she has frequent contact w/dogs. Oh, since you're a nurse you know to call the Dr. if her eyes are swollen or her face puffs up. Good luck!