You are right to call the dermatologist -- in fact, I would insist that they schedule me for an appointment ASAP (don't just go by a phone consultation -- dermatologists need to SEE the problem). The fact the area is still itching a full year after the procedure is worrisome. Insist on being seen now while the itching is present; if you let them put you off for weeks or months for an appointment "because we're all booked," the issue may be gone and they need to see it while it's active.
Meanwhile there's a product called Mederma that is a type of moisturizer for scars. But I would go to a pharmacy and consult in person with a pharmacist about an over-the-counter (OTC) topical cream or gel to help with the itching. Any OTC hydrocortisone cream helps with itch, but with a scar, the issue often is that the skin is stretching so tightly that it itches, and moisturization can help with that. Think heavy-duty like the lanolin creams used on stretch marks. But first and foremost- ensure that the dermatologist sees you. This likely is nothing and is all about skin growth in a scarred area, but never mess with guesses!