HUGS to you!!!
((Me too, with the whole abusive marriage thing. 2 years ago this fall I said 'Screw it! I'm going to start doing things that make ME happy!'. Not that I didn't before... but you know how easy it is to have your entire life become about keeping HIM happy so he's not such a prick, and the rest of the time is kids and house and responsibilities and balance/happiness is so far out the window as to be in the middle of the street hit by one car after the next. WHATEVER it is you choose to do... make sure it's all about you. If you can bring the kids and have fun, great (like my son and I snowboard, but we started when he was 7, so it's not like I had to be constantly hovering/minding. And if he didn't like it -our first year- I was totally prepped to still go on my own. He LOVES it, which makes it nice. We have something we can do together that's not me watching him do something, but both of us doing something)... but my point is to make it about you. Not him or them. Something purely your own. Something that makes YOU happy, instead of having to be concerned about other people's happiness 100% of the time.)).
PERSONALLY (And know I started with ONE thing 2 years ago -snowboarding, this will be my 3rd winter in the snow), and now I have this really rich and varied mental/physical life):
I just started shooting again. (firearms, haven't since I got married - aka 10 years ago)
Snowboarding (winter). When I lived in SoCal I surfed. Up here, one needs a drysuit. Nope. Uh-uh. Not gonna do it.
Swimming/Sailing (summertime)
Feeding the Elephant's child. (aka learning. I homeschool, and I'm IN school... so both require quite a lot of research/work... it's different when it's just learning for fun, or because it's something I've always wanted to do. Like right now, I'm learning Arabic and Latin. And studying forgeries and art crime. And all about pistols -see #1. And whatever else catches my fancy. For 5 minutes, 5 hours, or 5 months. Fun fun.)