Anything with malt, like Ovomaltine, or even milk itself, will help your milk supply stay up. Maybe check with your doctor or pharmacist. If you're pumping I hope you're at least giving your baby this milk in a bottle. In this way at least she's getting your Mother's milk. If she's small (and perhaps 'weak') this could be causing her troubles. It takes a lot more effort to feed from the breast than from a bottle, so maybe she's just decided she can't/won't make this effort. I breastfed my son for 16 months, however, I admit I wasn't a milk machine and from early on I did give him formula supplements, too. He also had trouble early on with breastfeeding; was quite weak after his circumcision. I was advised to pump, then have my partner feed him the bottle as to avoid any confusion. That is, mommy gives the breast, partner or anyone else gives the bottle. You're daughter's now older (4 mos.) but it's true she's probably got it figured drinking from a bottle is better/easier, which means you may be stuck with pumping until (if/when) she changes her mind. Keep her strong, even if she has to have some supplemental milk formula and maybe with this renewed energy she'll be interested in breastfeeding again. Do consult an expert in this field, as it's clear that it's a concern to you. Good luck.